Saturday, July 20, 2013

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How to build self esteem in 5 steps

Learn how to build self esteem in 5 simple steps

how to build self esteem overcome low self esteem

You're about to change your life and build self esteem .

 Well everybody have some moments in his life that he will suffer from low self esteem and you really begin to hate yourself , you will feel awkward , unlovable , shy , alone . well we've suffered from this too and now i am going to share my story with you and how i have build my self esteem , and how i get rid of all negative thoughts about myself .

 ok my story begins when i was 15 years old i was the fat kid in the school who always stay alone in break i am shy of talking loudly in class , i avoid being in groups because i just want to hide from people eyes , to be honest i want to stay alone i know that i got no chance to be popular or lovable between my classmates and for sure i got no chance with girls .

that was because i see myself fat and i consider this as a major problem that it will block any other advantage i have to show up , i was struggling with my self everyday trying to be normal but every time i let my mind talk it comes out with negative thoughts just like , I am smart but I am fat , I am kind but I am fat , I am a good actor but i am still fat .

well i spent 3 years suffering from those negative thoughts until someday i was talking with my closest and only friend Adam and i was like telling him that i don't want to go to that party with him and his friends because i am not so cool , i am not good talker blah blah blah... i was just shy of saying i am fat i wont be able to socialize with your friends , but he understood that i have quite problems with my self esteem , and he just said to me you have to meet yourself , you have to accept yourself not as helpless person but to find what is good about you because people are not going to praise you while you're hating yourself , you have to love yourself , be proud of what you got not whining about what you don't have , you have to learn how to build self esteem , you have to create the best image of yourself and put it as a background for your mind .
 Since this time i decided i will change my perspective of looking at myself , I'll not keep looking at the things that i wish that i have , I'll find out what i am already have and build on it because self esteem , are controllable it's in our mind we have to get rid of negative thoughts and begin love our self ,  and after long time of working on my mind i decided that i am the captain of my ship and the master of my fate i can do everything in the world because i can , i am good , no one is better than me , if i am fat i'll work hard to lose weight and i'll do it it's hard but i can handle it I'll surprise everybody let me down someday , and that was just my mind speaking and it really made a huge difference in my life , I do worked hard and now i've lost weight i am working as a programer and I've amazing girlfriend , that's all wouldn't happen ever if i haven't change my negative thoughts to positive ones .

How to build self esteem | 5 simple steps

 1 - Spend time with people who will make you feel good about yourself

2 - Turn up the volume on positive thoughts & delete negative ones

3 - Tell other people what you like about them , Help to jump-start their positive thinking

4 - when you receive compliment stand on the ground look the giver in the eye and say thank you

5 - Get out there and do what you want to do and do not accept NO !
You can start now applying these steps in your life , just remember you're the captain of your ship and the master of your fate , you will be what you're really want to be you'll work hard because you deserve better , because you wasn't born to suffer you born to be something to enjoy the life that your are living right now and wasting it's precious moments .

In the end if you found this post helpful anyway 
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